Utterly stunning. Great delivery! Jeezus wept. All I wanna do is find a way to fund you guys. One in which the controlled interconnected finance-keepers (theives) don't scam, me. No go fund me, no paypal, no patreon...What then?! B. of A. is as evil as always has been. Love your outrageous brilliance & delight! Working on this. Take courage. Take joy & share it!
Utterly stunning. Great delivery! Jeezus wept. All I wanna do is find a way to fund you guys. One in which the controlled interconnected finance-keepers (theives) don't scam, me. No go fund me, no paypal, no patreon...What then?! B. of A. is as evil as always has been. Love your outrageous brilliance & delight! Working on this. Take courage. Take joy & share it!
They hate America. So, Believe Them When They Tell You They Hate You https://torrancestephensphd.substack.com/p/believe-them-when-they-tell-you-they