What a double standard, Gershkovich was caught spying on. Biden went to bat for him from the outset. Brings to mind Jonathan Pollard, this traitorous thug was caught spying for Israel. Let’s put pressure on the State Department, inundating them with calls. (202) 647-6575.

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Assange was the first journalist, accused of "espionage" although there is not such spy in the world who spies in order to make information as widely publicized as possible. That is called "whistleblowing", when information that is deliberately withheld from public, is being made public by a conscientious employee or a journalist. Fighting and countering government's secrecy is the foundation of democracy. Fighting for transparency. Nobody declared "war" on Israel, and Israel has not declared war on anybody. They simply call their own unhinged aggression "war" and they make their own rules, how to withhold information and lie to the public about what really happened. That was the case with Assange, the he breached the information secrecy. So no, Jeremy Loffredo is not a spy, unless EVERY journalist who reports about something the State is trying to hide, is a spy! Then we are living in a totalitarian, fascist environment where reporting is treason. Israel is embarrassed and pissed off because Jeremy hurts Israel's image. Continuously. They sleep and dream of him being dead.

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I should have been clear, Jeremy was not spying. I’ve been following Jeremy’s work in Israel, taking for granted that someone would believe such mendacious statements as the world cuts through Israeli propaganda.

I was referring to US politicians and journalists and their outcry in support of Gershkovish, who indeed was spying. And the lack of outrage and support from the establishment for Jeremy.

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That is the difference, however. Gershkovich was defended by the US and NATO precisely because he was a spy for them. Jeremy is not a spy. He is a journalist of a very against-the-grain group of journalists whom Israel has been seeking to shut down for a long time. In June, Israel and American Zionists accused the Grayzone of being funded by Iran. That's how mad these people are. I am sure they believe that Loffredo is an Iranian spy, paid by Iran, sent to Israel to assist Iran in the destruction of Israel. I won't be surprised if they really believe that. I don't know what they are doing to him in order to extract a confession that he is an Iranian spy.

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Completely agree. That’s why I left the State Department’s number, pressuring from all sides might help. Best

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Yeah. Iran declared war on Israel. Using it's proxies. And you've fallen for the brainwashing.

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Since when IRAN declared war? They did not. It has always been Zionists who warmonger against Iran, by lies about "sponsoring terrorism" and "11 months away from nuclear bomb" and all that. You are using mirror propaganda technique, calling seeing the reality "brainwashing" and zionist brainwashing a reality. Not welcome. And what does Jeremy and ANY honest reporting for that matter have to do with Iran? Are you saying that any truth about Israeli deeds, actions and intentions is illegal and must be punished by prosecution? Because truth about Israel is good for Iran? Really twisted.

The same way people like you call truth about Ukrainian regime "work for Putin".

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Gonzalo Lira 2.0

Praying for this young man 🙏

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With all respect to Lira, he was not officially kidnapped and officially accused of anything. He was just "disappeared" and then driven to death in secret. Loffredo is the first NON-SPY real American journalist, officially arrested and put to prosecution by a foreign government. Israel. Israel is the first foreign government to actually prosecute an American citizen for treason, that is, assisting the enemy of the said foreign government (spies and snitches posing as journalists, have been caught and prosecuted though, like Joshua Tartakovsky in Lebanon and Gershkovich in Russia, but these spies were immediately protected by the US State Department). Meaning that, if this prosecution indeed takes place, from now on Israel HAS A RIGHT AND WILL NOT BE STOPPED, imprisoning, prosecuting and perhaps even executing journalists from US, UK, EU if they dare to damage Israel's image. Disappearance and murder of Lira was one of many incidents of disappearing and murdering foreign reporters in secret, in dictatorships and regimes, it was "business as usual". But I do not know of any precedent of official prosecution of a foreign journalist for reporting. It could have happened only in Nazi Germany or fascist Italy, I imagine.

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NEW ROY COHN AGAINST NEW ROSENBERG IN ISRAEL - only Roy Cohns are now Israelis and the new "Rosenberg" has not spied on anyone, but embarrassed Israeli State disinformation campaign:

Do you remember Roy Cohn's scream: "We are at war!!"

October 10, 2024

YNet reports"


American journalist faces ISRAELI prosecution for "aiding the enemy".

"Jeremy Loffredo faces Israeli court after reporting Iranian missiles striking several Israeli air bases; U.S. fears possible diplomatic incident following reporter's actions.

In his report, Loffredo said that attacks on Gaza were launched from the Nevatim base and said that government's private jet used by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was located there.

The charges against him include aiding the enemy during wartime and providing information to the enemy.

His arrest has raised concerns of a potential diplomatic incident between Israel and the U.S. because of his status as a foreign journalist. Representatives from the U.S. Embassy attended the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court for a hearing on the request of the police to extend his detention.

"He published the information openly and fully, without attempting to hide anything. If this information constitutes aiding the enemy, many other journalists in Israel, including Israeli reporters, should also be arrested, said Attorney Leah Tsemel who is representing him in his defense. "A spy would not have acted so publicly and transparently."


Can we believe that Iran had no idea where its missiles hit, without Jeremy telling them?

In what sense was Jeremy "aiding the enemy"? Putting a stick into the wheel of Israeli disinformation?

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I found a few details. Including that a few others did exactly what Loffredo has done, were however not abducted or charged.

This article below also speculates that the kidnapping of Loffredo was because Israel believes that The Grayzone is being funded by Iran. They therefore could have taken Loffredo as a hostage to organize a show trial of an "Iranian spy".

They are that mad. I believe that they really believe that Jeremy was working for Iran.

"The Seventh Eye, which describes itself as “Israel’s only independent and investigative magazine devoted entirely to journalism, the media, freedom of speech and transparency,” reported that Israeli authorities informed the court that Loffredo was arrested for publicizing the location of where missiles landed. He allegedly intended to bring this information to the attention of “the enemy” (Iran) to assist them in future attacks.

Judge Zion Sahrai said that Loffredo had published “confidential information” which was prohibited by the Israeli military censor. However, the court was presented with evidence that an article from Ynet reporter Liran Tamari was published on Loffredo’s detention with the Grayzone report from Loffredo embedded.

The Israeli military censor allegedly approved the publication of a Ynet report with details of Loffredo’s arrest and the publications that resulted in his detention. That led Saharai to grant bail to Loffredo until the police appealed and claimed that Ynet had published the article before obtaining approval from the censor.

Evidence that Nick Schifrin, a foreign affairs and military correspondent for PBS “NewsHour,” had traveled to the area nearby the Mossad headquarters like Loffredo was also presented.

“This is the impact site for one of those Iranian ballistic missiles, and if you see the size of this crater, that’s about 30 feet deep and maybe 50 feet wide. You can see all the debris around here, and to give you a sense of the target for these strikes, that white building back there about 1500 feet behind me is the headquarters of the spy agency, the Mossad.”

Israeli radio news presenter Eran Cicurel responded to Schifrin after he posted his report. “I think you are breaking the Israeli censorship rules.” -- https://natyliesbaldwin.com/2024/10/grayzone-journalist-us-citizen-could-face-death-penalty-in-israel/

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Aaaaaand ZioNaziBIDEN SEZ❗️ 👂🏼 cricketz 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗

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Time for change

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Apparently, no time anymore.

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One of the 5 journalists who were brutally arrested by Israeli police, Andrey X who was soon released, posted this about Jeremy Loffredo. Andrey said, he made a great mistake driving an American journalist who turned out to be working for a pro-imperialist outlet, Grayzone, that is "pro-Russian publication" and is therefore pro-imperialist.

I have seldom read something more hilarious and disgusting at the same time.

Just to say, Andrey X is a former Russian, who, "when Russia invaded Ukraine", "fled to Tel Aviv". Seriously.


Andrey X

"There is a lot of speculation online because I was arrested with a contributor fo Grayzone, a pro-Russian publication. I want to make something very clear:! do not support the fascist Russian regime and never will. I stand unequivocally against all imperialism. Russian opposition to US imperialism doesn’t make its own imperialism any better. have been consistently opposing Russian imperialism in my work, and l haven’t been to Russia in three years because of fear of political persecution and ideological opposition to the Kremlin.

I was asked to drive an independent US journalist, and I did not do any background checks, I simply agreed. That was a massive mistake and gross unprofessionalism on my part. So we ended up in one car, and then we were attacked and illegally detained by the

Israeli Occupation Forces."

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Never needed good Journalists more.

Keep this young man safe.

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They damn well better not. I’ll just leave it at that.

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ONLY IF IsraHELL is actually Legally a “Nation”

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Seems the guardian trash bollocks couldn't help themselves being more prickish.


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We don't have DUNGEONS.

If you're Aiding TERRORISTS expect to be arrested. Kinda simple.

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IMPORTYANT -- Iran has Nuclear Weapons !!

Scott Ritter: Israel Faces TOTAL COLLAPSE in Iran & Hezbollah War, Nuclear Annihilation Next?


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