Either way, all the vaccines were overkill for what was no worse than the flu.

China and Russia over reacted just the like west did... Even after it was well known to be like the flu.

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Reacted? More like participated in the Collusion AND Orchestration to facilitate BigPharma and Government overreach. Problem Reaction Solution on steroids.

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Yes, they basically all were in on it, despite being "enemies"!

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I think the Russian "Sputnik V" was actually an mRNA vaccine - it was essentially the Astra Zeneca formulation - it uses a hollowed-out Adenovirus as the vector for transmission of the mRNA into the cells. The Sinovax, I don't know about for certain. But I think it may be similar.

As far as I know, only the Cuban Soberana Jab is a standard type of vaccine platform.

The key difference between the Pfizer and the ModeRNA and all the others - is the 'Lipid Nano-Particle' platform - which appears to have been built upon the Pentagon's "Graphene Hydrogel" delivery platform - and reportedly, with self-assembling nanobot technology included. According to some (La Quinta Columna, for example) these jabs have self-assembling structures included in the list of secret ingredients, along with Graphene Oxide and Graphene Hydroxide according (the apparently murdered) Andreas Nowack.

Some have even suggested that using an iPhone App to find wireless networks on a plane - actually produces a long list of injected 'transmitters'. This would be in consonance with the "Internet of Bodies" dreamt of by WEFfie henchmen, like Yuval Noah Harrari.

Perhaps if the above is true - it would explain why they wanted to get as many people as possible to take the Pentagon's formulations, rather than the Chinese or Russian versions.

Check with Ryan Cristian of TheLastAmericanVagabond.com - he has the specifics and the receipts on all of this...

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