Is it possible to post a transcript of the video? It is very valuable information and people will not retain anything from just watching. Has to be a text.

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Is there any particular reason Youtube seems to be linked, but not Rumble? I try to avoid anything to do with Google, so I immediately went and found this video was on the Rumble channel too. Love your work, so it'd be wonderful if it were possible to share the Rumble links too!


Feel it worth noting I've also only been able to catch the first episode of the podcast live, since the next ones weren't live on Rumble when I checked on Sundays, and there was no notice about it here or time given to remind me when it airs. I don't use Youtube much (or X), I assume it airs live there now?

If I may make another hopefully helpful unsolicited suggestion while I'm at it—just since I'm sure adversarial journalists like you guys must love being told what to do in your comments!—I might also suggest maybe linking some places to look at each of your work on the About page of this Substack, and on Kit Klarenberg's kitklarenberg.com Substack page, where the podcast as well as other sites Kit publishes aren't actually linked. I'd also appreciate some more self-plugging from Rubenstein who I'm not as familiar with.

I've had to go a little out of my way to find your work after first reading Kit's writing on The Grayzone, and I know most people won't, so it may help to improve visibility.

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So.. You think it is a problem to jail someone for using social media to incite violence on Arabs?

I’m deeply opposed to censorship, but preventing what has been happening in the UK this week by arresting racists who seeking to get others killed and deported is not censorship. It is upholding the rule of law against incitement to violence.

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“Incite”... is totally interpretative plus it takes another person’s action to create the violence.

Doesn’t anybody take responsibility for their own actions? Expressed thoughts turned into action, by another person who the initiator of those thoughts may not even know, is the responsibility of the Initiator????

How stupid can a person be? This would make every Author, Orator, Teacher, Preacher, and Reporter responsible for their audiences actions. Everyone is responsible for how they interpret along with the actions or non-actions those interpretations bring.

Laws are already in place regarding illegal activities which include violence. Charles Manson was convicted for murder even though he wasn’t present at the killings; the reasoning was so outrageous, his conviction is not case law but today... some people want to codify other peoples opinions into crimes. If this is successful, 30 years from now that definition will change again and actions today that are considered okay will be outlawed.

Let’s make sure we have more laws that will be selectively enforced.

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I agree. Free speech only works when the speech does not incite harm.

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Clearly, democracy is dead.

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It is beyond outrageous for a woman to be imprisoned for her beliefs posted to public social media. This isn't pre WWII Germany or the old USSR. At least I don't think so though government activities are certainly similar!

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I just made a post on facebook about what they’re doing already. Can I share pics? If you’re not reading the fine print, you’re giving access to your phones that allow them to monitor you social media and sell to their parties. This was at the airport where you can’t order food unless you subscribe.

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Soon to be imported here

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Please no!

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