In this goofy State a goofy assassin fails and the goofy security fails too. Deja vu January 6...

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As most shooters, it is quite reasonable to suspect #MKUltra priming.

Esp considering the stay-behind approach of police and S S on site across the board,

ignorance in the face of massive acute alerts!

A ladder waiting in place..

S S removing attendees near the stage moments before shots fell...

Hasn't it been confirmed for Sirhan Sirhan vs JFK as well?

In fact, CIA library has countless entries for MK-Ultra. But no, it won't be used anywhere..🤡

Has been confirmed for school/mass shootings (orchestrated to strip off Americans from 2A).

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did we dodge a bullet when Trump did?

apparently not as operation chaos is determined to succeed in undermining civil society. the puppet spinmeisters got the memo and they are as rabid as covid dogs foaming at the mouth and ever shaking the public in their teeth

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