1-888-407-4747. #State Dept. Call every day. Ask for Comment on when is intervention to release Jeremy Loffredo. Journalism is not a crime. American Citizen. Act every day.

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Don't you worry: Israel is the only democracy in the ME and the IDF is the most moral army the globe has ever seen.

Just ignore any kind of disinformation about their plebes fiercely rioting to get reapers freed again ...

End of sarcasm ...

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And the USA is the land of the free and home of the brave, that's why they are helping them!

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B I N G O !!! 👍👍👍

Free to be gullible and ignorant, brave munching Doritos and being a couch-potato watching a genocide ...

But there's hope ... the genuine ones keep silent until a specific point which hopefully is near !!!

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I was worried this would happen.

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a nightmare i was worried about for his incredible frontlines journalism from a source of a thorn in their side calling out atrocities.

i defer to Theresa Barzee comment above with her important information to secure Jeremy's immediate safe release

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Best of wishes to Jeremy Loffredo, and for his swift return to freedom!

It is a testament to the quality and fearlessness of the work of those such as yourselves at the Grayzone that state power keeps coming after each of you in turn. Each act of injustice inflicted is an honourable award of the only kind the tyrannical state has to offer its best and most rebellious children, who stand up against it and its worst moral transgressions.

Here's hoping toward a better future of the kind only such acts of bravery can bring us toward, and "to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone—to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone," as Orwell put it.

"We may justly mock the stupidity of those, who imagine that they can, by present power, extinguish the lights and memory of succeeding times: for, quite otherwise, the punishment of writers exalts the credit of the writings: nor did ever foreign kings, or any else, reap other fruit from it, than infamy to themselves, and glory to the sufferers."—Cornelius Tacitus

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