That’s not PEDOPHILIA you fucking pinhead.

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it is. And you are beyond pity

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Liking TEENAGERS isn’t PEDOPHILIA you pinhead twat. It’s called NORMAL.

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"Dear Penthouse Forum: I never thought it would happen to me..." was the start of a lot of jokes back in the day. Was Penthouse running a pedo front when people posted their "real" stories of sex with their MIL, FIL, SIL, Step-kid, whatever? No.

As far as what Active Measures (AM) posted (and I did NOT go investigate for myself), Pekka was hosting a literotica site (that is what AM said). It is not "back page" or even chat rooms where real people talk to each other. That is not a "pedo site."

I will admit I'm neither a lawyer nor legal expert on what such sites have to have for safeguards. To my mind it is nearly the same as when some girl wants to call her lover "daddy." It is just her fantasy.

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Yeah, I really like the work these guys are doing, but what Pekka was doing was not running a pedo website.

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Found the Pedo

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