I’m still in the process of listening to this interview so perhaps it will be addressed later, but sadly, this issue is far from confined to the Labour Party. Yes, leftism naturally opens up an ideological avenue for such predators to forward the notion that pedophilia is the next frontier in “civil rights” or some equally deranged nonsense (think Harriet Harman and the PIE) but there have been plenty of Conservatives who are every bit as guilty, Edward Heath being perhaps the most heinous example. Of course, this is not an attempt at “whataboutism” but rather an acknowledgement that the entire political system is invested with sickos, both because it provides cover and even a warped legitimacy for their perversions but also the fact that the real controller love having a parliament full of easily blackmailed apparatchiks ready to carry out their agenda.

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You're saying the Labour Party is left-wing? I have found myself in agreement with many on the right, particularly the libertarian right, in recent years but, sadly, they comfort themselves with the daft notion that all the authoritarianism and disgusting hypocrisy stems from "socialism", "Marxism" and/or leftist ideology in general. It doesn't - Labour, like the "Democrats" is a centre-right, warmongering stooge for arms manufacturers, corporations and Capital, and while it should be hilarious that otherwise intelligent people seriously believe they are on the left it's becoming very annoying by now.

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To be honest, I don’t really have much disagreement with you. Fundamentally, I don’t put any stock in the whole left-right paradigm and regard whatever ideologies are currently being espoused amongst the political class to be nothing more than branding. Indeed, my original comment was about how, regardless of rhetoric, both the Labour and Conservative Parties boast much the same track record, in this instance, in regards to pedophilia. Given this was the topic of discussion, and not the applicability of political labels, I used the term “leftist” for reasons of brevity, in order to refer to the wing of the Labour Party (who would likely self-identify as such) who have historically voiced sympathy towards issues like “pedophile rights.”

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Pedophila doesn’t care about party lines. The common theme seen is men in powerful political positions and the wealthy. This is where the “conspiracy theories” about child sex rings comes from. Theres obviously some truth to that. Pedophila is a crisis that needs to be talked about a lot more.

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Let us never forget the horrors of somebody like Jimmy Savile who was given free reign to children's hospitals across DECADES in the UK... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/pedo-pols-the-uk-parliament-and-world

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Can you transfer that photo album to an OFFLINE storage device❓

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It’s the Talmud-Idolizer ZioNaziMossadMafia Way~

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