The entire U.S. national MSM is composed of lying sacks of excrement reading from one of two scripts that are quite similar. To the extent they differ, there is no real difference. Both scripts are 100% fact free. Exceptions to this rule are accidental.

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IT"S EVEN WORSE. THE MSM read from one of two scripts, and one or two major "DONORS" (say, the Soroses, and the Kochs) provide the problem-reaction-solution shitshow-as-reality so that the narratives support the pre-cooked "solutions".

Case in Point: FOX has been criticizing blue city crime wave non stop these past 4 years. Right now, the entire red state brain cell, thinks of their own countries' most prominent urban cities as shit: Thank you Soros: https://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/george-soros-criminal-justice-reform-227519

FOX has been criticizing BLM as puching bag. https://wcti12.com/news/nation-world/george-soros-gave-35-million-to-anti-police-activists-in-2021-report-says

Note: Soros can't shut down genocidal wars. Can't really improve racial "justice". I would say minorities are WORSE OFF and more pejoratively seen than before. In fact, Soros' actions directly FED THE FOX NARRATIVE. WHen Jane Mayer wrote her award winning book "Dark Money" no-one mentioned the OTHER dark money. How come? How could they miss it.

To keep Problem-reaction-solution engine running..

I am not mentioning KOch "reactions" here and now, they are legendary dystopian.

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Agreed… and folks, can we all please ackowledge that Fox, Newsmax, etc. are also saturated with a horrible “rot?”

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Fox is MSM. And the others might as well be. Just a slightly different fact-free narrative. Except in rare instances when the narrative lines up with some factotum, like Hunter’s laptop.

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BIden himself once claimed 500K Russians are dead....in his last televized press conference no less. Officially on transcript.

This country is over. The press here is worse than N. Korea's.

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And Biden claimed that as if it was a good thing. And every alleged human animal in the bipartisan monsters society agrees with him. The U.S. ought to be over. Can’t say that I share your optimism.

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It's v. v. very very late. and it's insane. If the pupeteers who run this shit show from behind the curtains, have ANY sinew of character, they need to show it by correcting shit NOW. Cheers.

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This film clip is priceless.

I have an idea for a hell for shit-lib (ok, and shit-con) apologists for the power elite-run status quo who represent almost all of the 'news media' that the public hear and read.

Make each and every one of them listen, at high volume, to their blatant lies and vacuous parroting of the lies of others, showing them to be the prostituting, ladder-climbing sycophants and enablers of mass murderers that they have been throughout their careers.

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In the clockwork orange chair with eyelid holders forcing them to watch??? 😀

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Yeah...that's the ticket!!! Love the imagery!

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Come on now. You have to admit Joe Scarborough was right. This confused, shuffling dementia patient is definitely the best ever version of Biden.

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Years from now we will be watching documentaries about how the Biden presidency was the year the Democrats finally lost the plot; the Ukraine, Palestine, the economy, the debates, etc.

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Of course, it's been going in that direction for a long time.

When Reagan was re-elected, I applied for and was offered a job in NZ national gov't; one that would have conferred dual-national citizenship. I strongly considered emigration because I figured that if RR could get reelected, my own country was hopeless and headed for disaster. There was Clinton, with his triangulating and normalizing of neoliberalism and criminal bombing of Serbia and provocations of Russia. Then there was Shrub Bush; the source of unending humor for cartoonists and stand-up comics and the decider giving the go-ahead for the deceitfully-premised, illegal / criminal and disastrous invasion of Iraq. I really thought we'd reached the nadir of our society and political system with him. Even Obama, the killer drone king was somewhat an improvement (though in retrospective and on the net, not that much).

Despite the general downward trend., even I couldn't have forecast what was coming in the years 2016-2024. To see what has happened just in the last few years- culminating in this shit-show tragicomedy where we are now - is way beyond my imagination. Now I'm beginning to think maybe the film "Idiocracy" was actually high art / a bit of too-accurate science fiction.

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