Bucha massacre by Ukrainian Nazi units has first been unmasked by noble and courageous Scott Ritter.

FBI fabricated charges for which he was three years in prison for unmasking false pretext for illegal war against Iraq

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The thin veneer of humanity is starting to rub off of the US/NATO, Nazi Empire.

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the nyt admission, essentially, and FINALLY!!! indicates to me the msm are now slowly changing the whole direction of this assinine rhetoric of war games with innocent lives at stake. thank you for continuing to cover the real news in this century of this world order craziness; war war war it seems is the parasites' constant objective....

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It is beyond pathetic that the US is supporting Nazis and giving them weapons to turn on others.

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Shocking revelation: Ukronazis are chummy buddies with Zionazis! https://www.jpost.com/international/article-725351

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Could you please share you sources, so we can follow them? Thank you!

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It is a sign that the US soldiers involved are showing the signs of failure and defeat, as they would not feel the need to kill prisoners if they thought they were winning decisively. All it will do is make the Russians more determined and angry.

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