Germany has anti-Nazi laws, does it not? Why was it training a neo-Nazi army in the first place? Who arranged this?

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Meryl, NATO has known since before their 2014 Maidan coup that Ukraine is full of Stepan Bandera-worshiping Nazis & has used them in both their coup & in their war on Russia in Ukraine. Moreover, NATO has troops on the ground in Ukraine. The Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff just openly announced that large numbers of US/NATO troops will be deployed to Ukraine. In other words, WWIII. Very informative piece: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/05/17/smzs-m17.html?pk_campaign=newsletter&pk_kwd=wsws

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{...who arranged this in the 1st. place ???...}

A sinister clan residing in the City of London, AIPAC, ADL, Likud, etc., etc., ...

Zelenskyy and Larry Fink already have agreements to "rebuild" Ukraine.

- Big pharma got their share during CoVid (and still going strong),

- Now it's the US MIComplex swallowing the billions doled-out by the US and

- Big finance in form of BlackRock, Vanguard, etc, are ready in their starting-blocks to swallow ...

Western tax-payers are just sheep being led to the meat-packers !!!

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First, Ukraine's military isn't solely comprised of Nazis; just like the population at large, the (neo-) Nazis, and right-wing ultranationalists generally probably constitute a minority of the populace, at least as evidenced by elections over the last few decades, when the right-wing failed to win more votes in elections than single-digits for the most part. Possibly, as the neo-Nazi-led Azov Battalion (for instance) was absorbed into the UAF, Nazis and sympathizers might well constitute a higher percentage of the military than indicated by election results; but I think it safe to say that it is still a minority.

Also, I would imagine that with some exceptions, it was Ukraine who decided who should receive the training in Germany (and elsewhere among NATO states).

Yet German leadership, as well as that of other states, likely knows full well that Ukraine has a "Nazi problem" - as it has been documented going back even before 2014. The CIA and US State Department actually recruited such folk and the Maidan coup appears to have been led by them. Though there has been an active effort to deny the role of the Nazis (as well as that of the CIA and State Dept.) in fomenting the coup against Yanukovych, it is clear even from Nuland and Pyatt's leaked conversation that the U.S. (Deep State agents) were deliberately including and thereby empowering neo-Nazis in the puppet Ukraine government.

German officials, and indeed all of NATO-world would (or at least should) know all this., but it doesn't matter to them, really. It's a case of "the enemy of my enemy..." . The socio-political ideology matters not as long as they will fight NATO's ultimate target, Russia. This is the same MO as with the support of the Mujahedin in Afghanistan, the Taliban and other Islamic fundamentalist rebel groups throughout the Mid East. In fact, the U.S. has often relied on the worst of the worst, most rightwing / totalitarian figures and their supporters to aid in its regime change efforts across the globe.

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Today's Nazis call themselves Zionists. They were the ones who enabled Hitler.

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Kinda like there are no NAZIs in the USA.

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Can you post a link to the German documents? I'd really like to read what was the original German text. For those of us in German speaking countries a non-translated document makes more impact.

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You can find the document here https://www.bundestag.de/presse/hib/kurzmeldungen-1002872

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Thanks. That was MUCH shorter than I expected. I also didn't expect that nearly the same amount of space was given - and given prior to the statement about neo-Nazis in the Ukraine forces training in Germany - to stating that the existence of extreme right-wing nationalists in Ukraine is no impedement to peace...just "Russian imperialism." Sure, Günter.

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Yet, Germany Funds & Arms the sadistic Genocidal SLAUGHTER of Innocent Palestinian Civilians by CRIMINALLY DEPRAVED ZioNazi “Israelis”❓

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Why in the world did they even allow those men there in the first place?!

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To be fair to the German military, I'm guessing the selection of which Ukrainians were sent to Germany was a political decision. The German military then got confronted with the neo-Nazis and booted them immediately.

There were multiple stories prior to 2022 where US NATO forces training Ukrainians in Ukraine were confronted with extremely racist statements as well as neo-Nazi (TBH, they are just Nazis, not neo-Nazis. These groups have a through line straight back to WWII) statements.

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✌🏼❤️‍🔥✌🏼 😂🤣😂 Kit n Cat 🤣😂🤣 ✌🏼❤️‍🔥✌🏼

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