George Soros, the billionaire regime change financier and CIA "overt operative," is funding pro-Palestine activist groups in the US. Kit and Alex discuss what it means for the left.
To connect the dots and follow the $$, read Antony Sutton. several books available online free in pdf. the same people who financed Bolshevism also financed Nazism etc to this day. Nuance. Divide and Conquer. Same ole same ole bag of dirty tricks.
People like Soros are not real Jews. They are imposters. Periodically, they ritually eliminate the real Jews, like during WWII. Soros helped the Nazis!!
Take this to it's conclusion and you will see they are not even of this Earth!
The Rockefellers funded both sides of WWII. Don't think Soros made his wealth until 1992 shorting the British Pound. At least attempt to make an intelligent statement.
Soros NGOs funds violent anarchists to discredit the Peace movement. The anarchists, in some cases, came from Canada as well as in The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations years ago.
This is patently and obviously not true. You are hurting your own cause. Unsubscribing.
Soros has interest in mostly in Ukraine not Palestine. Big money was moved his way.
To connect the dots and follow the $$, read Antony Sutton. several books available online free in pdf. the same people who financed Bolshevism also financed Nazism etc to this day. Nuance. Divide and Conquer. Same ole same ole bag of dirty tricks.
Interesting that people on both sides in the US are taking money from billionaires.
I wonder why the billionaire class supports this division..ha..ha
People like Soros are not real Jews. They are imposters. Periodically, they ritually eliminate the real Jews, like during WWII. Soros helped the Nazis!!
Take this to it's conclusion and you will see they are not even of this Earth!
The Rockefellers funded both sides of WWII. Don't think Soros made his wealth until 1992 shorting the British Pound. At least attempt to make an intelligent statement.
Soros works with F.B..I. agent Provocateurs as they did at the January 6 MAGA demonstration.
Soros NGOs funds violent anarchists to discredit the Peace movement. The anarchists, in some cases, came from Canada as well as in The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations years ago.